why walk?
Discover the transformative power of an intentional walking practice.
Looking for the book that will motivate you to get up off the couch, get moving and keep moving? This is that book.
Hippocrates famously said: “Walking is man's best medicine,” while Nietzsche rightly observed that “all truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” Decades of research have taught us that these two brilliant thinkers were right: those who walk regularly live longer, healthier, and happier lives. A regular walking practice can boost your mood, build your bones, power your weight loss, improve your memory, combat depression, fire up your creativity, lower stress, and literally add years to your life. Why Walk? unlocks that research and shares intimate stories from dozens of people who have transformed their lives and communities by putting one foot in front of the other.
Walk Your Way to better
99 walks that will change your life
Walk Your Way to Better is packed with 99 insights, ideas and thought-starters, each designed to encourage you to walk away from the things that don’t serve you and walk toward the things that will bring joy, peace, success and fun.
“Joyce has captured many of my personal experiences and reflections in this book. Walking has been my meditation and medication for decades and I am eagerly joining the 99 walks’ movement. Thank you, Joyce for helping to heal the planet, one connected step at a time.”
“I applaud Joyce for shining light on simplicity. Walking is available to us all and as an Integrative Family Doctor for more than 40 years, I have found that the simplest wellness activities are often the most successful.”
“As a NYC mom of three boys, I have truly experienced the magic of walking. After my twins, Central Park plus stroller equaled my sanctuary. Fresh air, community, fitness - complete physical and mental wellbeing. I applaud Joyce for highlighting the power of walking which is simple, accessible, and life-affirming.”
“Joyce captures the opportunity we all have to do better, be better and live better - one step at a time. I’m thrilled to get moving and join her in her vision to build a movement through movement. Let’s walk!”