Wellness is Mission Critical.
We’ve heard the cliches more times than we can count.
“Put your mask on first.”
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
“Put yourself at the top of the list.”
And while there is truth to them all, for busy women — especially busy moms — my advice is simpler. If you can’t put yourself at the top of the list, at least put yourself on the list.
Here’s how.
Meet the Wellness Wheel.
The tool that helps you identify The areas of life that need a little extra love.
A Primer On The Six Pillars
Physical Activity: Movement is medicine, and it’s non-negotiable. Regular physical activity boosts your energy, strengthens your body, and uplifts your mood. Are you moving enough?
Fun: Fun isn’t optional; it’s mission-critical to a happy life. Do you know what lights you up? Are you making time for joy, play, and laughter?
Ikigai: This Japanese concept refers to your “reason for being”—the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid to do. Are you living in alignment with your passion and purpose?
Nutrition for Fuel: Food is both fuel and medicine. It impacts how you feel today, tomorrow, and for years to come. Are you nourishing your body with what it truly needs?
Rest & Recovery: Wellness requires both effort and ease, energy out and energy in. Are you honoring your need for rest and recovery, or are you constantly pushing through exhaustion?
Connection: Relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and longevity. Are you prioritizing deep, meaningful connections with friends, family, and community?
Putting it into Practice
Download the Wellness Wheel. Print a few copies. Grab a pen. Check in with yourself weekly. Ask yourself … which pillars are thriving? Which need a little extra attention?
Important reminder: you’re not aiming for perfection. You’ll rarely feel completely aligned with your purpose, be exercising regularly, eating well, resting enough, having fun, and maintaining deep connections all at once. Life simply doesn’t work that way. The Wellness Wheel isn’t about achieving a perfect score; it’s about cultivating awareness. It’s about noticing where you might need a little more care and making small adjustments.
The goal isn’t to do it all. It’s to create a life that feels balanced over time.