joyce shulman joyce shulman

My Favorite Five Podcasts

In honor of International Podcast Day (and seriously, who made that a thing) and for anyone who is a podcast listener looking for some new podcasts to check out, I thought I’d share my fav five.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Key to Happiness #3: More Laughter

When did we all get so serious? I know, living is serious business. We have work and obligations. We have mortgages and children. The people we love get sick. We get sick. The roof leaks. A jerk cuts us off on the way to work. We face global pandemics, and economic crises. We live in a world punctuated by racism, inequity and social injustice. We lose our job, we hate our job. We hurt our backs picking a box up off the floor or stare down a root canal. We experience loss and grief and heartbreak.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Input v. Output: Know What Fills Your Tank

I try to consider my days and weeks in terms of input and output. Not in the sense of measuring how much output I can possibly generate or how absolutely productive I can be, but rather with an eye to being sure that my output and my input are at least somewhat balanced. This week, I was out of balance.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Walk # 69: Nope, It's Not Too Late To Start

I was a first-year law student sitting in Civil Procedure trying to unravel the mysteries of federal jurisdiction when it occurred to me that it was too late for me to become an Olympic … well, an Olympic anything. And going to the Olympics seems like a really cool experience. And I was still so young. But I realized that it was too late for me to be an Olympian. Now, despite the fact that I’d always been active and athletic, I had never participated in any competitive sport. Never. Yet there I was, freaking out because it occurred to me that it was too late for me to become an Olympian. That door was closed to me and I have struggled to keep the feeling of closing doors at bay ever since.

I suspect, like me, you have sometimes felt that it is too late to start a new project or to chase a new dream.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Walk # 59: You Do You

At this very second, there are families living on boats sailing across the Caribbean and in RVs exploring the midwest. There are women happily raising one kid, eight kids and no kids. There are moms who are breastfeeding and moms who are bottle feeding. Women writing books and writing grant proposals to raise money for the not-for-profit they dreamed of. Right this very second, there are women hiking in the mountains of Tibet and camping in the mountains of Colorado.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

10 Tips for Beating Brownout

Heard of burnout? Yup, most people have. But over the past few years, “brownout” has become recognized as not just a precursor to burnout but as a problem in its own right.

Though more subtle than burnout, brownout has many of the same symptoms and characteristics. You find yourself feeling overwhelmed and overworked. Things that typically bring you joy don’t seem to give you the same boost that they used to. Your productivity dips as does your interest, engagement, and energy.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Frogs First

Next to my desk is a wooden tray, an old-fashioned “inbox.” It typically contains a random pile of papers that need attention, bills that need to be paid, forms that need to be filled out. I suspect you have a similar pile someplace in your life. Some of the tasks that need to get done in that inbox are simple and take just a moment. Fill out the permission slip for my daughter’s field trip to the aquarium, pay the $28 water bill. Others are far more complicated, overwhelming, intimidating or frightening. The unopened bill from a recent sonogram of the lump behind my ear that turned out to be nothing but the cost of which is not covered by insurance. The letter from the Federal Trademark office that it is time to renew our company’s trademark. The incomplete draft of my will.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Keep Growing

Throughout our lives, we are often told to keep going. Don’t quit. Hang in there. One step at a time. Just keep moving forward. And often that is good advice. Forward momentum is fantastic and sometimes all you can do is put one foot in front of the other and do the next thing. It is advice that has gotten me through more difficult times than I can count. But sometimes the magic is not found when you simply keep going, doing the same things, the same way, over and over again. Instead, often the magic is in continuing to learn, explore and discover. The magic is continuing to grow. The magic is in knowing that you can continue to grow.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Fun and Success are Not Mutually Exclusive

Throughout our lives, we are taught to work hard. We are told that success lies on the other side of hard work. And I've come to believe that is true: life has taught me that nothing comes easy and that consistent, hard work pays off in all kinds of ways.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Pick Up the Dustball

Walking up the stairs in my house the other day, I noticed a ball of dust and dog hair in the corner of a step. I saw it out of the corner of my eye and kept walking. Later that afternoon, I noticed it again. And then again the next morning. And one more time before I finally picked it up.

Now in my defense, the first time I had walked up the stairs, I had something in my hands and the second time, I was on my way to do something. But, if I’m going to be really honest, with you and with myself, I just didn’t feel like bending over and picking up the dustball.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Reconnect With Your Natural-Born Confidence

You do you. Be true. Live your most authentic life and don’t apologize for being who you are. Yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard it before. And on some level, I think we would all love to live a life that is the truest expression of the person we were meant to be. Who wants to go through life living someone else’s version of what happiness is supposed to look like? No one. So why do we do it and, more importantly, how do we stop?

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Stop Staring at the Black Dot

I watched a fascinating video the other day. A university professor surprised his students with a pop quiz. Each was handed a sheet of paper with a single black dot in the center of the page. The assignment? Write an essay about what you see. The kids scratched their heads and looked at one another and at the professor. When it was clear that no further instruction was coming, they got to work. 40 minutes later, they handed in their essays.

The next day, the professor sat behind his desk with the stack of essays sitting in front of him. “Every single one of you,” he began, “wrote about the black dot. No one focused on the white space -- and there was much, much more white space than black dot.”

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Take the Win

This is not actually about my back or about lifting weights. It is about learning to take the win. Learning to stop before you are exhausted and burned out. Learning to look at what we have accomplished with joy and satisfaction instead of beating ourselves up for the things still left to do.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

The Motivation Myth

Motivation is a myth. Wait, I know what you are thinking. It is motivation I need. If I just had enough motivation, I’d be able to conquer the world. Or, at least, crush my goals. Motivation is everything.

But here’s the thing. Most of us equate motivation with a feeling that we want to take a particular action. Meaning, you think if you were motivated, you would feel like making a green smoothie for breakfast, walking on a cloudy day, saving for retirement or getting off social media and back to work. You’re convinced that if you wanted the end result enough, you’d feel like doing the work needed to get there.

And that is the myth.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

How to Kick A Crappy Day in the Teeth

I wake up in the same body, in the same house, beside the same husband, with the same two kids sleeping down the hall, and the same dog sleeping at the foot of my bed. I have the same job. I have the same long, long list of things to do. So why is it that some days I feel hopeful, positive, and optimistic and other days bored, depressed, and afraid of the future?

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Decision Fatigue [or] Why is it So Hard to Set a Goal?

My sister is a designer for one of the top jewelers in the world. Her office is flanked by hundreds of drawers holding tens-of-thousands of semi-precious stones in every imaginable shade, shape, and size. Each day, she is charged with combining those stones into dozens of beautiful creations. Each day, she leaves work exhausted. Why? Decision fatigue.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Walk # 56: Money Can Buy Happiness. Just Kidding. Sort of.

Walk # 56 from Walk Your Way to Better: We’ve all heard it, over and over and over: money can’t buy happiness. But, well, let’s face it—rich people look happier. They look like they take more vacations and have more adventures. They look healthier. They dress better. They live in more beautiful homes and drive fancier cars. They have people to clean their homes and cook their meals. All in all, they look happier.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Key to Happiness #2: Be The Right Amount of Busy

I don’t recall where we were and I don’t recall what we were doing. I don’t remember how old I was, or whether this was during the decade in which I was practicing law in New York City, or the two decades I was raising kids while building businesses. Whenever it was, I have no doubt that I was busy. Probably too busy. “The key to happiness,” my brilliant and insightful friend Lorelei said, “is being the right amount of busy.”

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

On Vampires & Demons

Years ago, I read a novel about vampires and demons. The demons fed on drama and intrigue and thrived on the suffering of others. The vampires required the lifeblood of others in order to survive. While some controlled their appetite sufficiently by taking just a sip here and a sip there, others, well, once they got started, they sucked their victims dry. I realized that, metaphorically, vampires and demons live among us.

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joyce shulman joyce shulman

Get High on Helping

Last summer, I was at the beach watching a dad take his three-year-old into the ocean. As soon as the little boy touched the water, he was off, his little arms and legs motoring. Within seconds, he was five feet away. The dad tore off his t-shirt, tossed it to the beach and went after his bobbing toddler. The shirt landed on the beach, so close to the water’s edge that one big wave was sure to sweep it away. I got up from my beach chair, grabbed the dad’s t-shirt and moved it out of the reach of the coming tide. And I felt a tiny bit happier.

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